Saturday, June 14, 2008

3 AM, Again

It is 3 AM, but this time I am about to go to sleep.

This week has been so good. I spent the better part of my week with a group of some of the most influential leaders of modern India. As you know from my previous blog, we ended up leaving around 4 AM for Shimla, India. It was only an eight-hour ride there, and ten on the way back. I think God uses Indian travel to strengthen my prayer life. The four hours it took to get up and down the 7,000-meter peak that Shimla rests on are among my most miserable moments here in India. Let’s just say the combination of winding, crowded roads, the constant sound of horns, and never knowing when our car may come to a screeching halt did not settle well with my stomach. Oh, and the seating arrangement didn’t help. The way there I was sandwiched between two full-size men. I guess we decided that we had too much room on the way, so another man joined us on the way back. How is this possible, you ask? Well, my friend Tyler and I literally sat on luggage for the whole ten-hour trip back to Delhi.

Despite that, this week is probably going to be the most memorable part of my stay in India. I saw God move powerfully in the hearts of men and women to bring about practical change in a corrupt system. Each one present was very familiar with the pain of being subject to the current system, and is determined not to reform it, but to replace it.

Much of the meetings were profound and challenging, but the concluding prayer was the most powerful moment of the entire week. It was through this prayer that a man called to Jesus as the source of change. Through the earnestness in his voice, one could feel the Holy Spirit engage every person present. Whether Christian, Atheist, Sikh, or skeptic  each was brought to tears. As a result of this prayer directed toward the true solution, every person, having blood-shot tearful eyes, embraced one another knowing they all desired the same thing.

As if this wasn’t enough, the reason I am going to bed so late tonight is because I have spent the last few hours talking and praying with Dr. Thom. It is incredible to hear more and more of his story. It is hard to remember what exactly is said in a conversation like that, but it is hard to forget the way you feel when you know you are discussing Truth with somebody else.





1 comment:

Audrey K said...

I love your blog! It makes me happy... I just wanted to let you know that I found a great church in Paris- Hillsong London in Paris. The worship leader was really cool, English, had a great sense of style, and was just praising the Lord- it was awesome! He reminded me of you! Just thought you'd like to know... I hope you're doing well! God bless :)